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Inaugural Issue, Autumn 2004

From the President

I am delighted to welcome you to the first edition of our new journal, Tollways. It is indeed a pleasure to launch a publication that seeks to explore in depth some of the most challenging issues facing policy makers and transportation practitioners in the world today. We have adopted as the vision for this publication the following statement:  “Tollways strives to be a principal agendasetting publication for the transportation profession, providing a serious source of original thinking to advance the performance of organizations engaged in tolling and other direct user-fee financed transportation services and their leaders.” This is certainly a very ambitious vision, but we hope to live up to its promise. We know that we live in a very challenging world today and that transportation finance is becoming a more and more significant issue all over the world. We hope that the collection of articles in this first edition will give you food for thought about the transportation policy choices in your part of the world and that you will come back to Tollways again and again hungering for more insights. --Jean-Francois Poupinel

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