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Global Outlook: Forecasting Post-Pandemic Toll Revenues

Presented by the IBTTA International Committee

IBTTA's International Committee brings to you a platform to network with governmental agencies and the private sector in these emerging markets. The goal is to bring both parties together, investors and their advisors who want to explore opportunities in emerging markets, and governmental agencies who want to promote foreign investment opportunities. This webinar was part of the Emerging Markets Series, aiming to introduce to the IBTTA community, points of view and lessons learned from private and public sector practitioners with each session focusing on a particular region.


Tuesday, April 18, 2023
11:00am – 12:30pm ET


As traffic continues to rebound, the range of complex issues affecting traffic and revenue continues to impact the industry. What will this new normal look like, and how will it be impacted by a range of complex issues affecting traffic and revenue? More importantly, what does the future hold for transportation choice, traffic, revenue, and other key factors as customer behavior continues to evolve? While these questions are challenging to answer in such an uncertain environment, our team of experts in traffic revenue forecasts, finance, rating agencies, and facilities representatives will explore these issues and offer valuable insights to help forecast traffic in the coming months and years.


Christophe Boutin, Executive Director, Association Professionnelle Autoroutes et Ouvrages à Péage (ASFA)


  • Matt Bernstein, Director – Public Finance Department, Citi
  • Emilija Erent, Specialist in Tolling Division, DARS d.d. and Dr. Aleksander Srdić, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana
  • Jonathan Hart, Principal – Transportation Delivery & Finance, CDM Smith
  • Scott Monroe, Senior Director – Global Infrastructure and Project Finance Group, Fitch Ratings
  • Eveline Mou, General Manager, Star Systems International (SSI)

Recording & Slide Deck

Recordings are intended for IBTTA members only. Please do not share this video with nonmember organizations.

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