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Nationwide Interoperability

The IBTTA Interoperability Committee is composed of representatives of IBTTA member toll agencies and firms that provide services to the toll industry. The charge of this committee is to advance the strategic plan goal of achieving nationwide interoperability in the United States.

Support Documents and Information

Current Version

National Interoperability (NIOP) Business Rules, Version 2.0

National Interoperability (NIOP) Interface Control Document (ICD):

NIOP ICD Version 2.0

NIOP ICD Appendices are updated regularly and are identified by the release date.

Prior Versions

National Interoperability (NIOP) Business Rules Version 1.01

National Interoperability (NIOP) Interface Control Document (ICD) Version 1.2

NIOP Agency ID Assignment and Coordination (2021-04-05)


Interoperability: Towards the New Frontier (ITS International)


In May 2017 IBTTA finalized the test plan describing the methodologies and procedures to be used in conducting the Phase 2 NIOP protocol performance testing. The following documents describe both the test approach and the plan methodologies. This plan was developed in consultation with both toll operators and the technology manufacturers. The goal of the plan is to accomplish the following:



Status on Interoperability – Subcommittee on Transportation and Public Assets of the U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee (September 28, 2015). Below are copies of testimony and related documents.


Board Briefing on Subcommittee Activities:

