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Audit Committee

About the Audit Committee

The purpose of the Audit Committee is to assist the board of directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities for the association’s accounting and financial reporting processes and audits of the financial statements of IBTTA, by reviewing (1) the integrity of the association’s financial statements, (2) the independence and qualifications of its external auditor, (3) the association’s system of internal controls, (4) the performance of the association’s external audit process, and (5) compliance with laws, regulations and ethics.

Members of this committee are appointed by the IBTTA President.



Deborah Sharpless

Maryland Transportation Authority



Amanda Baxter

Atlas Arteria (ALX)

Lori Caron Silveira, Esq.

Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority

James Carone

New Jersey Turnpike Authority

Julià Monsó


Staff Liaison
Phillip Morrone