RevFinder™ is provided as an IBTTA member benefit. A product developed in collaboration with the IBTTA Toll Revenue Assurance Committee (TRAC), RevFinder™ provides toll operators with a rapid self-awareness tool that provides feedback regarding how effectively they are currently collecting toll revenue and how this relates to industry-level experience. The tool intends to provide the operator with an operational self-assessment that is coupled with the TRAC library of best practices for improving revenue collection.
RevFinder is a tool built for the industry by listening to the industry. Best practices will continue to be added/modified, and feedback from our users will influence the next iterations of the tool.
RevFinder™ FAQs
RevFinder™ - How does it work?
How Does it Work?
RevFinder™ enables toll operators to rapidly determine where they stand in terms of revenue collection improvement. As the user answers a small set of questions, a common stack of data, specific to the operator, is built to illustrate potential focus areas. Answers to these questions lead to two key metrics that apply across the industry.
The metrics are:
- Overall Effectiveness: Total Paid Transactions/Total Transactions
- Invoice Effectiveness: Total Transactions Paid via Invoicing/Total Transactions Subject to Invoicing
For both metrics, higher calculated values suggest a higher level of revenue collection effectiveness.
In addition to the metrics, RevFinder™ allows the user to access industry practices. Each element of the revenue collection process illustrated in the stack is clickable, and linked to the TRAC library of industry practices that may indicate improvement opportunities.
RevFinder™ - The Metrics
What are the details behind the metrics?
Overall Effectiveness
The percentage of overall transactions that realize revenue for the toll operation. This measure combines all applicable elements of revenue collection.
Invoicing Effectiveness
The percentage of transactions that realize revenue within the subset of transactions that depends on linking a license plate to a customer who responds to mail that requests payment. This applies to any operation. For operations that accept cash on the roadway, it applies to violations, notices, or citations that are sent to apparent violators. For all-electronic tolling (AET) operations, it applies to receivables such as bills, invoices, or similar. This metric includes all forms of payment sent in response to mailed communication. This common point of measure allows an agency to see how well the most loss-prone part of a toll collection operation is working.
RevFinder™ - The Data
How is data collected? Help us Help YOU!
RevFinder is available to all IBTTA members. However, IBTTA Operator Members have the unique option to submit their data to promote industry awareness. It is highly encouraged that Operators submit their data so that RevFinder can support future benchmarking of industry data. Without data, the industry cannot benchmark or measure improvements on revenue assurance issues resulting from electronic/image processing payment options.
If RevFinder recognizes the user is an Operator Member, they will be offered two options to submit their data:
- Aggregate your stack data (default): With this option, RevFinder does not store information about the user/operator's connection to the individual data points. The derived stack values are added to an aggregate pool of data submitted by other operators.
- Store all data (preferred): If this option is checked, RevFinder will add the derived stack values to the aggregate pool of data submitted by other operators, and also store information about the user/operator as well as the individual data points that were entered to derive the stack values.
RevFinder™ Contacts
Walter Fagerlund, Vice President and Director, HNTB
Cindy Norcross, Director of Research & Technology, IBTTA
Reasons to "Get in Touch!"
- Are you an Operator and would like to schedule a one-on-one walkthrough of RevFinder™?
- Do you have a new best practice you’d like to contribute?
- Do you want to add context to a current best practice?
- Do you need clarification on the questions?
- Are you an Operator with questions about your stack?
- Are you an Operator with questions about submitting data?