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Nominating Committee

The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to review applications from those who wish to serve as officers or directors on the board and develop a slate of candidates to stand for election at the annual business meeting in the fall of each year. Members of this committee are appointed by the IBTTA President.



Bill Halkias, PE, F. ASCE, F. ITE

HELLASTRON (Hellenic Association of Toll Roads Network)



Christophe Boutin

ASFA (Association Professionnelle Autoroutes et Ouvrages à Péage)

Lucinda Broussard

San Diego Association of Governments

Mark Compton

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission

Joi Dean, Esq.

Richmond Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Andrew Fremier, P.E.

Bay Area Toll Authority, Metropolitan Transportation Commission

James Hofmann

North Texas Tollway Authority

Emanuela Stocchi

AISCAT (Associazione Italiana Società Concessionarie Autostrade e Trafori)

Staff Liaison

Kathryn Clay