IBTTA’s advocacy efforts are focused on informing and educating policy makers, public officials, elected representatives, and regulators. Our objective is to create an environment that fosters the growth and widespread adoption of tolling, road charging, and transportation pricing as viable means to fund and finance surface transportation. Working closely with our members and with like-minded partner organizations, IBTTA develops policies and position papers, meets with legislators, delivers testimony to Congress and state legislatures, informs regulatory bodies and policies, builds advocacy coalitions, and supports state and local efforts to build broader support for user financing.
Outside of the United States, IBTTA and l’Association Européenne des Concessionaires d’Autoroutes et d’ouvrages à Péage (ASECAP) adopted a Joint Tolling Declaration that recognizes tolling as the best tool to finance, build, maintain and improve safe, smart, reliable highway infrastructure for the benefit of road users and other citizens.
There are no free roads™
Staff Contact
Mark Muriello, Vice Presidentof Policy & Government Affairs
Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act
IIJA Implementation and Program Development
- New Guide to Federal Resources and Funding Opportunities (9/18/23)
- An Overview and Resource Guide for the National Electric Vehicle Initiative (NEVI) Program for the Tolling Industry (3/28/22)
- Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Department of Transportation’s Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant Opportunity (3/28/22)
- IBTTA Comments on FHWA Request for Information (RFI) regarding the Development of Guidance for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Deployment (1/28/22)
- Mitch Landrieu Letter to Governors (01/4/22)
Federal Funding Opportunities
- Congestion Relief Program to Fight Congestion, Opening the Door for New Tolling (2/27/24)
- Strategic Innovation for Revenue Collection (SIRC) Program Grants Funding for Distance-Based Road Charging Projects (3/28/24)
- PROTECT Discretionary Grant Program for Resilience Projects (10/24/2024)
- Technical Assistance for Accessing Federal Resources and Funding Opportunities (9/18/23)
U.S. Surface Transportation Reauthorization
IBTTA Testimony, Letters, and Policy Positions
- IBTTA Comments on Notice of Request for Public Comment, U.S. DOT Strategic Plan (12/17/21)
- Call for House passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Job Act (HR3684) – (9/24/2021)
- Industry Letter to US House of Representatives supporting passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Joab Act (HR3684) – (9/22/2021)
- IBTTA Letter to Senate EPW Committee Leadership on Reauthorization (05/26/2021)
- Statement for the Record - Long-term Solvency of the Highway Trust Fund before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (4/14/2021)
- IBTTA Priorities for Infrastructure Investment & Surface Transportation Reauthorization (3/26/2021)
- Letter to the Honorable Pete Buttigieg, Secretary, USDOT (1/16/2021)
IBTTA Resources
- House Approval of the Infrastructure Bill Is Still Awaiting Decisions on Social Programs and Tax Reforms 2021-10-29 (11/4/21)
- The Summer of Infrastructure, IBTTA Government Affairs Update, (8/26/21)
- “U.S. Senate Approves the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: A Summary and Analysis for the Toll Industry”, IBTTA Government Affairs Update (8/17/2021)
- “Reauthorization: House T&I Committee INVEST in America Act of 2021 Released on June 4 and Scheduled for Markup on June 9, 2021”, IBTTA Government Affairs Update (6/7/2021)
- “Senate Committee Releases a Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act for a Planned Vote on May 26, 2021”, IBTTA Government Affairs Update (05/28/2021)
- “House Republicans Release Their Surface Transportation Proposal: STARTER Act 2.0”, IBTTA Government Affairs Update (5/20/2021)
- Legislative History of Federal Tolling Policies (2017)
Legislative Texts and Summaries – 2012-2021 (MAP-21, FAST Act, and FAST Act Reauthorization)
- Final Senate Text Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act BILLS (8/18/2021)
- Text of House T&I Committee Bill: “Investing in a New Vision for the Environhttps://www.ibtta.org/sites/default/files/documents/Advocacy/GA048%20-%20Final%20Senate%20Text%20Infrastructure%20Investment%20and%20Jobs%20Act%20BILLS-117hr3684eas.pdfment and Surface Transportation in America Act’’ or the ‘‘INVEST in America Act’’.” (6/4/2021)
- Section-by-Section Summary of T&I Committee Bill: ““Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America Act’’ or the ‘‘INVEST in America Act’’.” (6/4/2021)
- Fact Sheet for T&I Committee Bill: ““Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America Act’’ or the ‘‘INVEST in America Act’’.” (6/4/2021)
- REVISED TEXT of House T&I Committee Bill: “AMENDMENT IN THE NATURE OF A SUBSTITUTE - Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America Act’’ or the ‘‘INVEST in America Act’’.” (6/7/2021)
- Text of Senate EPW Committee Bill: “Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act of 2021” (5/22/2021)
- Section-by-Section Summary of Senate EPW Committee Bill: “Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act of 2021” (5/22/2022)
- Highway Authorizations Under the Senate EPW Committee Bill “Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act of 2021” (5/22/2022)
- Text of Senate EPW Committee Final Substitute Amendment to the “Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act of 2021” (5/26/2021)
- Text of Senate EPW Committee Final En Block Substitute Amendments to the “Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act of 2021” (5/26/2021)
- Text of House Bill: “Surface Transportation Advanced through Reform, Technology, and Efficient Review Act 2.0” (STARTER Act 2.0) (5/19/2021)
- Section-by-Section Summary of House “Surface Transportation Advanced through Reform, Technology, and Efficient Review Act 2.0” (STARTER Act 2.0) (5/19/2021)
- Text of Senate EPW Committee Bill (S-2302): “America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act of 2019” (8/1/2019)
2015 – FAST Act
2012 – MAP-21
Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal
- Final Draft – Senate Infrastructure Bill Before Floor Amendments (August 1, 2021)
U.S. Infrastructure Investment Proposals
Biden “American Jobs Plan” - 2021
- American Jobs Plan: White House Briefing (3/31/2021)
- President Biden’s Speech Transcript on the “American Jobs Plan” Infrastructure Investment Proposal (3/31/2021)
- Penn Wharton, University of Pennsylvania: “President Biden’s $2.7 Trillion American Jobs Plan: Budgetary and Macroeconomic Effects” (4/7/2021)
Republican Infrastructure Counter-Proposal - 2021
Problem Solvers Caucus - 2021
Bipartisan Policy Center - 2021
Trump Infrastructure Principles - 2018
Covid-19 Emergency Relief
- IBTTA Emergency Relief Letter to Congress (12/7/2020)
- Letter on TIFIA to the Honorable Elaine Chao, Secretary, USDOT (4/15/2020)
- Letter to Congress on COVID-19 Phase-4 (4/7/2020)
Federal Budget
- Government Shutdown Implications (IBTTA)
2021 – White House Budget Proposal - FFY2022
2020 – Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Federal Budget Summaries – FFY2021
Testimony & Related Material
- Statement for the Record, Paving the Way for Funding and Financing Infrastructure Investments before the House Committee on Ways and Means (01/20/20)
- Testimony of Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti, Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Transportation and Second Vice President, IBTTA, before the House Ways and Means Committee, Paving the Way for Funding and Financing Infrastructure Investments (01/29/20)
- Testimony of Patrick Jones, Executive Director & CEO, IBTTA, Before the State of Maine Blue Ribbon Commission to Study and Recommend Solutions for the State’s Transportation Systems (10/01/19)
- Statement for the Record regarding Pricing and Technology Strategies To Address Congestion On And Financing Of America’s Roads Before The House Transportation And Infrastructure Committee Subcommittee On Highways And Transit (9/11/19)
- Testimony of Patrick Jones, Executive Director & CEO, IBTTA, Before the Transportation Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly (3/06/19)
- Infrastructure Working Group, National Association of Manufacturers (2/22/18)
- Pat Jones, IBTTA Before the Committee for a Study of the Future Interstate Highway System, Transportation Research Board (12/20/16)
- Connecticut Governor's Transportation Finance Panel (7-29-2015) (View Video(link is external); Prepared Remarks)
- Stakeholder Reauthorization Letter (7-20-2015)
- Associations letter to Senate EPW on Tolling Provisions (6-24-2015)
- Gifford Testimony before the House Committee on Small Business (posted 6/10/15)
- IBTTA Testimony to Transportation Committee of Connecticut General Assembly (February 2015)
- Testimony Submitted for the Record Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (2014)
- Testimony Submitted for the Record Committee On Environment and Public Works United States Senate (2014)
- Preliminary Report of the IBTTA Interoperability Committee (2011)
- AASHTO Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (2011)
- Ex Parte Submission on FCC Docket - Level 3 Communications (2011)
- Testimony to Transportation and Infrastructure Committee (2011)
- Comments on SEC File Number S7-45-10 (2011)
- Comments to Infrastructure Financing Commission (2008)
- Comments to Obama Transition Team (2008)
- Testimony to Policy-Revenue Study Commission (2007)
Testimony & Related Forums
Transportation Committee February 25th Public Hearing (2/25/15)
IBTTA Executive Director & CEO Pat Jones
Interstate Tolling Debate, (ATA & IBTTA) (01/10/2012)
Presented by The Eno Center for Transportation
IBTTA Testimony Before the Highways and Transit Subcommittee
IBTTA President Frank McCartney Testifies (03/30/11)