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Finance Standing Committee of the Board

About the Finance Standing Committee of the Board

The purpose of the Finance Standing Committee of the Board is to review and evaluate the IBTTA annual operating budget, quarterly reports of the association’s financial position, changes in policies and procedures for financial activities, and other duties assigned by the President and Board of Directors. Members of this committee are appointed by the IBTTA President.



Susan Buse

SBuse Consulting

Vice Chair

Timothy Sturick, CPA

Thousand Islands Bridge Authority



Jessica Carson

Gannett Fleming TranSystems

Joi Dean, Esq.

Richmond Metropolitan Transportation Authority

James Hofmann

North Texas Tollway Authority

Nicola Liquori, CPA

Florida's Turnpike Enterprise

Lisa Lumbard

Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX)

Lisa Mejac

Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission

Francis O'Connor

State of New Jersey Department of Transportation

David Roy

North Carolina Department of Transportation, Turnpike Authority

Terri Slack, PMP

CDM Smith

Kary Witt, P.E.

HNTB Corporation

Staff Liaison
Phillip Morrone