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IBTTA Institutes Vaccine Requirement

IBTTA’s members work each and every day to find ways to make the nation’s roadways safer for everyone. To demonstrate that our commitment to safety matches that of our members, IBTTA has instituted a vaccination requirement for its upcoming in-person meetings. 

All attendees at IBTTA in-person meetings will need to be fully vaccinated—meaning at least two weeks have passed since they received the second shot of either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines, or two weeks have passed since they received the single Johnson & Johnson shot. For those traveling from Europe or the UK, the same two-week period applies for Vaccines authorized for use in the European Union and UK. If you are traveling to the U.S. from a country other than Europe or the U.K., please contact us.

Attendees will be asked to provide proof of vaccination before arriving at the meeting. To provide proof of vaccination beforehand, attendees can share a photo of their completed vaccination card or provide some other documentation to IBTTA that indicates they’ve been fully vaccinated. No information other than an attendee’s vaccination status will be kept on file by IBTTA and any images or documentation shared with IBTTA will be immediately destroyed once proof of vaccination has been established. Submit proof of vaccination here.

The goal of this decision is to ensure that all attendees of IBTTA’s meetings can participate fully in our dynamic conference programming, safe in the knowledge that IBTTA and their fellow attendees are doing everything in their power to minimize the potential spread of COVID-19.

The vaccine requirement comes in addition to the robust masking and other safety protocols that IBTTA has already put in place for the upcoming Annual Meeting:

  • All IBTTA staff are fully vaccinated and will be 100% masked when on-site.
  • Masks are required in the hotel meeting space (except when eating/drinking) and on buses (e.g., technical tour, opening event) for all attendees. Masks will not be required at outdoor events.
  • IBTTA will minimize contact at registration.
  • IBTTA will provide personal protective equipment to all attendees and recommends that all attendees bring a supply of masks with them to Anaheim.
  • Speaker equipment will be sanitized in between sessions.
  • IBTTA will work with the hotel to ensure all protocols are in place to keep public areas sanitized and to limit entry into rooms by hotel staff. 

IBTTA will always abide by state and local guidance on masking, social distancing, and limits on the number of people that can congregate in a room at the same time.