Tolling Points - By Bill Cramer

With recent comments that identified the trucking industry as one of the chief beneficiaries of a well-financed highway system, U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) opened one of the most powerful arguments for giving states greater flexibility to fund... Read More
With IBTTA’s Summit on Legislation, Policy, and Infrastructure Finance less than a month away, and the highway reauthorization debate well under way, it’s a good time to think about the questions you will want to ask your elected officials the next... Read More
A new front is opening up in the transportation reauthorization debate, with road users weighing in on the hardship they’ll face if the Highway Trust Fund runs out of money. Look no farther than Associated Equipment Distributors (AED), an... Read More
When San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge completed its transition to All-Electronic Tolling (AET) in March 2013, one of the most important challenges was to minimize any negative effects for the people who’d been the human face of the manual tolling... Read More
It would be a bit premature to conclude from the latest Pew Research poll that the public opinion giant is waking up to the urgency of the transportation infrastructure crisis. But the poll, released early this week ahead of President Obama’s State... Read More
WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Congress should put a full range of transportation funding options on the table by removing barriers to tolling and pricing, IBTTA told the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee at a January 14 hearing. In... Read More
The Year of Customer Service. It’s exactly the theme you would expect from IBTTA’s 2014 President, Mike Heiligenstein, after his 10 years at the helm of the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA) and 23 years in public service. Every... Read More
Of the two House bills Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) introduced earlier this week, the proposal to raise the gas tax and index it to inflation has received by far the most attention. But the Road Usage Fee Pilot Program Act of 2013 is the measure that... Read More
At a September forum organized by the Reason Foundation, IBTTA Executive Director and CEO Patrick Jones came up with another great metaphor to explain the roots of the highway funding crisis.   One of the most persistent myths about tolling is that... Read More
The renaissance is about to begin. And tolling is leading the way.That’s the optimistic, yet realistic message in an IBTTA guest post published earlier this week by the InfrastructureUSA blog, an influential website that advocates to restore America... Read More
