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Representative Rick Crawford (AR-1) opened the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Washington Briefing today with a call for the federal program to allow greater flexibility for state decision-making and local... Read More
Many of the world’s most important roadways would not have been built without a toll concession. This has been demonstrated around the world, especially in Europe, where more than 50,000 km of motorways have been built thanks to the model.  ... Read More
Tolling Points and Café IBTTA had the pleasure of sitting down to talk with Andrew Fremier, the 2023 IBTTA President and Deputy Executive Director of the Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA) and Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) in San... Read More
Since the Infrastructure and Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) was enacted last year, transportation professionals have been focused on the implementation of this landmark legislation, which provides historic opportunity to rebuild and modernize... Read More
The IBTTA Global Tolling Summit will take place in Dublin, Ireland from October 23 through 25. This is the first time in three years that IBTTA has held a Summit in Europe, and we have a packed program. As we look towards the start of the Summit,... Read More
Welcome to the Fall 2022 edition of Global Tolling & Mobility News, an updated version of the Global Tolling & Mobility Newsletter that will now appear on the Tolling Points blog. This issue focuses on news from around the world regarding... Read More
It was quite a summer for the more than 260 college and university interns who participated in HNTB’s paid summer internship program. The HNTB interns from 140 colleges and universities, including HBCUs, had the opportunity to have hands-on, real-... Read More
According to anthropologist James Spradley, “Culture is the acquired knowledge people use to interpret experience and generate behavior." Merriam-Webster defines culture as “a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or... Read More
Formed in August 2020, the IBTTA Task Force on Diversity, Social and Racial Inclusion was created to listen to the voices of those in our association and society who truly understand and recognize the depth of the inequity caused by racial and... Read More
The U.S. Senate passed highly anticipated legislation to reform climate, tax, and health care policy on Aug. 7, 2022, after a 15-hour amendment process. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 was adopted by the Senate with a 51-50 party-line vote... Read More
