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Tolling Points - By all

With state and local governments bearing the brunt of the highway infrastructure funding crisis, IBTTA has been tracking a surge in interest in tolling in jurisdictions across the country. Now, the Council of State Governments is out with a list of... Read More
Get ready for a deep look into bridge and roadway safety service patrols, effective incident management, the basics of asset management, and emerging technologies for roadway refurbishment when IBTTA hosts its annual Maintenance & Roadway... Read More
The transition from per-gallon taxes to per-mile charges has long been talked about in the United States. The Reason Foundation’s Robert Poole sees the prospect as a return to true user fees. “The emergence of viable methods of charging per mile…... Read More
The Thousand Islands Bridge System between the United States and Canada celebrates its landmark 80th birthday later this year. The commemorations are already beginning, with a news report last week in Northern New York State’s NNY Business. “On a... Read More
Two cities on the United States’ east and west coasts, both with epic local traffic problems, are considering congestion pricing as a way to get people and goods moving again. In Seattle, Mayor Jenny Durkan is looking at a downtown pricing cordon... Read More
Anyone who’s followed the public trajectory of hot, new technologies could probably have seen it coming: After several years of rapid development, wall-to-wall news coverage, and hyped-up excitement, autonomous vehicles are crashing back to Earth.... Read More
IBTTA members can’t seem to stop setting performance records. Toward the end of February, it was the Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA) in Orange County, California, recording the highest number of trips in its 30-year history, the Orange... Read More
In any education or advocacy campaign, you know your facts are beginning to resonate and your arguments are gaining traction when powerful validators start to pick them up and make them their own. After many years of building the evidence base,... Read More
Minnesota is one of several states that have recently taken initial, preliminary steps to consider tolling as a source of revenue. The story so far is a great example of where more jurisdictions will find themselves—and how the IBTTA community can... Read More
An article in the latest edition of Governing magazine captures the state of play on congestion pricing, showing that a system now in use along 40 roadways in 15 metropolitan areas is ready for prime time. While the high-end toll paid by 0.08% of... Read More
