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Today, it’s nearly impossible to do anything without leaving behind a digital footprint. Even tasks or actions that have always been thought of as comparatively analog now involve the creation of some piece of digital data.   Driving a car used to... Read More
The tolling industry, along with its customers, has experienced tremendous growth and change in the last several years. Following are examples of some of the more significant changes:   Younger Generation: with their social media and digital... Read More
On the twentieth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, we remember all whose lives were lost or irretrievably changed by the events of that day. On the tenth anniversary of 9/11, during IBTTA’s Annual Meeting in Berlin,... Read More
Software as a Service is the logical evolution of the Tolling Back Office Toll roads may have been serving travelers since the Susa-Babylon highway in 7th century BC, but it was not until the 21st century that drivers escaped needing cash-in-hand... Read More
E Pluribus Unum isn’t just the motto included on the U.S. national seal. It’s also a good way to describe how Congress is putting together a final infrastructure bill: out of many proposals, one that looks pretty good from the tolling industry’s... Read More
It’s fascinating to look at your own industry through the eyes of an outsider. You know the experience. You’re attending a backyard barbecue and an unfamiliar neighbor approaches you and says, “Hi, I’m Sarah. What’s your name and what do YOU do?”... Read More
It’s an area where front-line tolling agency staff can make a life-changing, life-saving difference, just by reading the signs. Where agencies can join forces with the truckers who are among the most frequent users of their roads. Where the... Read More
Guest blog by Harold Worrall, Tolling Advisor, PayTollo Inc. Overview In looking to the future, there are ample opportunities for increased use of tolling as a pricing mechanism. It is widely recognized that fuel taxes and other excise taxes will... Read More
By Mark Muriello, Director of Policy & Government Affairs, IBTTA On June 4, 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Committee released its ‘‘Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface... Read More
Guest blog by JJ Eden, Executive Director, North Carolina Turnpike Authority This article appeared in the June issue of Traffic Technology International Over the last twenty years, technology has transformed our economy, society, and our... Read More
