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Within 72 hours of the release of the White House’s new national infrastructure plan, IBTTA President Tim Stewart was out with an op ed in The Hill, pointing to the “bright, new light” it shines on tolling as an option for local revenue generation... Read More
There’s an important, triumphant message to be distilled from yesterday’s release of the new White House infrastructure plan: that tolling is firmly positioned as an essential part of the response to a decades-long crisis in highway infrastructure... Read More
In an historic announcement January 31, Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy unveiled a plan to introduce all-electronic tolling on his state’s highways by mid-2022. The plan will roll out alongside a phased, 7¢-per-gallon increase in the state gas tax... Read More
It never quite gets routine. Fresh from his mid-December appearance on National Public Radio, IBTTA Executive Director and CEO Pat Jones was back January 18, this time with a spot on NPR’s wildly popular, syndicated broadcast, All Things Considered... Read More
  “I am asking both parties to come together to give us the safe, fast, reliable, and modern infrastructure our economy needs and our people deserve. Tonight, I am calling on the Congress to produce a bill that generates at least $1.5 trillion for... Read More
With the transportation community in Washington, DC holding its breath for this evening’s State of the Union address, the nation’s biggest city is reopening a conversation around an essential tool for funding infrastructure and battling traffic... Read More
Get set for an intensive start to the IBTTA conference season when you attend this year’s Managed Lanes, AET & Technology Summit, April 22-24 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Summit registration opens soon, and it scarcely needs to be said:... Read More
The mark of a smart, mature business is its ability to not only do the right thing, but also to do things right. So, it is great news that the Kansas Turnpike is not only making the transition to open road tolling (ORT), but timing the process to... Read More
When IBTTA launched its members-only TollMiner™ data visualization tool early in the new year, it was much more than a statistical review of tolling facilities and operators across the IBTTA network. In some ways, the tool is a grand experiment in... Read More
It’s automatically good news in Washington, DC when 48 Members of Congress come together in a bipartisan forum called the Problem Solvers Caucus. And it was great news last week when that caucus turned its attention to infrastructure. “The report,... Read More
