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The dynamic pricing methods that are emerging as a success on tolled facilities across the U.S. received an unexpected nod earlier this year, with a news report on the World Series-winning Houston Astros’ use of variable rates for ticket sales. The... Read More
Ask any tolling professional to name their top priority, and you’ll always get the same answer: Safety is always job number one. This July 4th holiday, IBTTA is asking its members, colleagues, contacts, and drivers everywhere to make a simple... Read More
The State of Rhode Island hit an oversized milestone June 11, when its first-ever truck tolls went into effect at two locations along interstate highway 95. The two gantry-based tolling points in the southern part of the state are expected to... Read More
It’s a simple, basic gap that points to the limits in today’s autonomous vehicle technologies, but also shows just how quickly some of those barriers are being breached. Until now, the tech-enabled cars that have received so much attention from the... Read More
As Connecticut legislators move ever closer to re-introducing tolls on some of the state’s highways, they have received expert advice, testimony and studies from IBTTA and several members such as CDM Smith and HNTB Corporation. Last month, in an op... Read More
Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti was recently confirmed as New Jersey Transportation Commissioner, after serving for more than six years as Executive Director and CEO of Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise. She previously spent 21 years with the New Jersey... Read More
Every so often, a conference takes place at precisely the moment when the whole world seems to be paying attention. That’s what’s been happening in the weeks leading up to IBTTA’s Summit on Finance & Policy, July 22-24, 2018 in Portland, OR. “... Read More
Voters in the San Francisco Bay Area have set their community on a path to reduce traffic gridlock and deliver safer, more reliable mobility with a solid, 54% to 45% vote in favor of higher tolls on local bridges. While the ballot measure last week... Read More
The analysts and number crunchers at McKinsey & Company have come up with a big opportunity for anyone who owns, operates, or maintains a physical asset: the rise of analytics, not just to deliver projects, but to conduct capital planning across... Read More
From tolling of existing interstate capacity to the rise of road usage charging, the funding crunch facing U.S. infrastructure is bringing new attention and creativity to a full toolbox of options to pay for highway maintenance, expansion, and... Read More
