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Tolling Points

Wanted: The Next Transportation Idol

Bill Cramer

Wanted: The Next Transportation Idol – Grand Prize $1,000

Do you have what it takes to be the first Transportation Idol? 

Enter by April 17, 2015. For more information and details click here.

Some concepts are easy to understand.  Tolling, Road Usage Charging (RUC), Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) are not so simple, but a great product/service.

The International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA) is searching the globe to find individuals talented enough to explain to public the importance, rationale and the benefits of tolling or road usage charging.  Be as creative as you wish – sing a song, perform a skit, write a poem, create a jingle, entertain with a circus act, or any other performance art you see fit as long as you convey the positive benefits of tolling or RUC/VMT.

A panel of judges will select entries that show the greatest originality, clarity, innovation, and sense of whimsy. The top five entries selected by the judges will be ask to perform live or via video on April 28, during IBTTA’s 2015 Transportation Finance & Road Usage Charging Conference, April 26-28, 2015 in Portland, OR.

photo credit: 20141010-DSC_9649 via photopin (license)


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