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Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission

Sustainability Program

Award Category: 
Social Responsibility
Award Year: 

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission

Award Category: 
Social Responsibility
Award Year: 

"Responsibility Matters" is the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission's (PTC) ongoing initiative to deliver on its core value of instilling "diversity, integrity, and sustainability in all our practices." With a 30-year commitment to sustainable best practices, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) aims to become America's First Sustainable Superhighway by 2040. To get there, the PTC's employee-led Sustainability Committee evaluates all transportation projects and business processes to help the agency reach its goal.  The Commission formally adopted the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, identifying 17 key areas, including infrastructure, affordable and clean energy, sustainable communities, responsible production and consumption, and climate action. The PTC incorporates these goals into all its decisions and operations. The PTC Sustainability Committee's core responsibilities include: 

  • Establishing core principles and goals to guide decision-making and policy development; 
  • Developing programmatic approaches and milestones to advance sustainability.
  • Promoting sustainability activities at meetings, workshops, and conferences to improve the collaborative culture within and outside the organization.
  • Developing specialized workplace training that focuses on local and national sustainability initiatives.
  • Identifying funding opportunities to support the sustainability plan.