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Titlesort descending Description

Concerted Action for Research and Demand Management in Europe . A European Commission project on ETC interoperability that involves national administrations.

Cashless Tolling

*NEW* "Cashless" usually implies that there is no opportunity to stop and pay tolls at the toll point, whether with cash, cards, tickets or a phone app.


Closed Circuit Television


Code Division Multiple Access, a cellular technology. See also: Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM).


Comité Européen de Normalisation: is the European Committee for Standardization.

CEN 278

CEN TC278 is the Technical Committee #278 responsible for Road Transport and Traffic Telematics, whose Working Group 9 has agreed upon the norms for ETC based upon DSRC 5.8 GHz.


Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotecnique: is the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization

Certificate Authority

A Certificate Authority (CA) is an organization that issues and manages security credentials and Keys for message encryption and decryption. As part of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), the CA provides certificates (Keys) to Issuers. The Keys are used to encrypt, sign and secure Electronic Payment Services (EPS) transactions.


Common EFC System for an ASECAP Road tolling European system. CESARE is a project set up by ASECAP and partially funded by the European Union with the intention of specifying, designing, developing, promoting and implementing a common interoperable Electronic Fee Collection System (EFC) on European toll roads.


To determine the category of the vehicle to be tolled based upon its specific structure, weight, axles, tires, etc.

Clearinghouse (Financial)

A Clearinghouse Network routes transactions for reconciliation. The term applies to all types of financial transactions, not just toll transactions. Examples of Clearinghouses (or Clearinghouse Networks) include the Federal Reserve Automated Clearinghouse Network (ACH), VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Pulse & Cirrus. It is important to note the distinction between a Clearinghouse and a Fiduciary (defined below): A Fiduciary converts transactions into Funds, a Clearinghouse routes transactions to Fiduciaries.

Clearinghouse (Toll Authorities)

Provides all requisite financial services to transfer monies between participating Authorities; provides accurate and timely downloads of customer accounts, violations and all other information necessary for an interoperable system.

Closed Barrier System

*UPDATED* An arrangement of mainline and ramp toll plazas and/or toll zones with discrete toll schedules, located such that every possible trip incurs at least one toll. A closed barrier system may use ORT Toll Zones, or toll plazas.

Closed Entry-Exit System

*NEW* A toll concept employing toll points (either plazas or toll zones) at every facility entrance and exit to detect trip length for toll rate setting and to not allow any free movements.

Closed System

*UPDATED* An arrangement of toll points on a facility to ensure that all vehicles pay some toll amount for use of the facility.


*UPDATED* Toll concessions are contracts to develop and/or operate toll facilities on behalf of a facility owner - normally a public sector entity. Toll concession contracts are long-term agreements, often for 30 years or more. Service Area concessions are contracts to develop and/or operate driver service areas and gas stations.

Concessionaire Company

Mainly in Europe: A company which is awarded, by a concessioning Administration, the operation of a toll facility. Usually the contract includes the design, construction, financing and operation of the facility.

Congestion Pricing

*UPDATED* Also “Variable Pricing.” Toll facility pricing that is set based on traffic demand, with higher toll rates at high-traffic periods and lower toll rates at low-traffic periods. Rates may vary by time of day, day of the week, or may vary dynamically based on current traffic conditions. Value Pricing is designed to achieve performance objectives to reduce traffic congestion and delay by shifting travel to less congested periods or different modes, encouraging high vehicle occupancy, or reducing the number of vehicular trips taken.

Connected Vehicle

Connected Vehicle Program - The U.S. DOT Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) \ ITS Joint Program Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) is the major sponsor of the Connected Vehicle program. Connected Vehicle focuses on localized Vehicle-to-Vehicle, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure and Vehicle-to-Device Systems (V2X) to support safety, mobility and environmental applications using vehicle Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC)\Wireless Access for Vehicular Environments (WAVE).  This program has support from most of the automakers and a number of state departments of transportation.

Contract Issuer

Organization that issues contracts and which is responsible for payment to the Transport Service Provider (TSP) on behalf of the customers.

Contributo (Contribution)

Tribute levied on certain private subjects, justified by the fact that these subjects benefit from the results of a given public activity. It shares the characteristics of both tax (tassa)--being the consideration for a service, and tax (imposta)--to be paid even if the subjects have not requested the service.

Conventional Lane

*NEW* A toll lane wherein a Toll Service Attendant is present to accept cash, token or ticket as toll payment from a customer.

Convertible Lane

*NEW* A toll plaza lane which can operate in more than one mode, for example in a conventional mode with a toll attendant, in an automatic mode with a machine to accept payment, or in a dedicated ETC Lane mode.

Cordon (Area) Tolls

*UPDATED* Cordon tolls are fees paid by motorists to drive into a designated area defined by a line that encloses to tolling area, often a city center. Cordon tolls are charged when a vehicle crosses the line of the designated tolling area. Some cordon tolls are only in effect during designated hours of the days or days of the week.

Cross-lane read

A phenomenon where the signal from a transponder is picked up by the reader or Roadside Unit (RSU) in a toll lane other than the queue the vehicle is traveling in. This can result in toll being applied to the wrong vehicle, double charges or lost transactions.


Customer Service Center - A facility used to service customers.


California Toll Operators Committee - A collaborative organization of California's toll facility operators/owners, primarily concerned with developing protocols and resolving issues related to ETC interoperability.