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Tolling Points - By all

As tolling agencies continue responding and adapting to an unprecedented global health emergency, IBTTA is supplying the human connectivity that keeps the industry healthy and sound, in good times and bad. Many of the tools and techniques—from... Read More
As the coronavirus pandemic unfolds, countries around the world are coping simultaneously with two gargantuan challenges: how to #FlattentheCurve and keep as many people as possible safe, and preparing the wider economy to bounce back once the virus... Read More
Managing through a health and economic crisis – While credit analysis is about assessing legal, economic and financial factors, key presumptions are that the macro environment, law and order, and health and safety will remain in a familiar range. ... Read More
While the coronavirus pandemic is first and foremost a global health crisis, its economic impacts have quickly devastated many industries, particularly the transportation industry, that depends on employees and customers showing up as expected. In... Read More
If the coronavirus pandemic has done one thing, it has brought human societies around the world crashing back to basics. For the IBTTA family, those basics come down to community, connectivity, communication, and caring. In normal times, we are... Read More
With the coronavirus pandemic spreading rapidly across the United States and around the world, tolling agencies are among the many public services on the front line of the all-out effort to slow the spread and #FlattenTheCurve. You won’t usually... Read More
An available right of way, the allure of an all-weather highway, the urgent need for job creation during the Great Depression, and the need to move troops and equipment quickly across a large, sprawling state were some of the biggest motivations for... Read More
When you attend IBTTA’s 2020 Technology Summit, April 2-4, in San Diego, CA, you’ll get more than just the latest update on the avalanche of emerging technologies and business practices reshaping the transportation sector. You’ll be a part of a... Read More
The Republican Ranking Member on the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee is looking to vehicle miles tax/traveled to raise $1 trillion for highway, bridge, and other infrastructure repairs. Sam Graves (R-MO) “floated the vehicle... Read More
It took two years of negotiations and an array of innovative financing mechanisms. But late last year, Louisiana finally declared victory on its first-ever public-private partnership (P3) for transportation infrastructure, a $162-million tolled... Read More
