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Written by Wanda Klayman, Deputy Executive Director, IBTTA When tragedy strikes a community like Moore, Oklahoma, highways are a lifeline for evacuees and an access and supply line for first responders. Toll authorities across North America are... Read More
Written by Emanuela Stocchi, International Affairs, AISCAT (Associazione Italiana Società Concessionarie Autostrade e Trafori) Since the beginning of the year, ASECAP (the European Association of Toll Operators) and IBTTA have been working together... Read More
Coauthored by Mitchell Beer When the President proclaims a milestone like National Transportation Week, the dual purpose is to recognize significant achievements and set a course for an even brighter future. So here are three questions for the... Read More
President Obama has nominated Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx to be the next Secretary of Transportation with responsibility for overseeing all transportation modes (surface transportation, rail, air, maritime, etc.). The Mayor has a strong history... Read More
Are there any questions associated with the unsustainability of the gas tax? Those were the 12 provocative words with which Steve Morello of D’Artagnan Consulting closed a portion of his presentation to the IBTTA Leadership Academy last week. It... Read More
Flickr photo by @mikepick Tolling authorities witness everyday acts of courage and heroism whenever a crisis hits. When emergency plans are activated, agencies see front-line staff go far above and beyond to keep the public safe and restore highway... Read More
This is a guest post by Seth Kahan, a leadership and performance improvement authority specializing in change leadership. Check out his website here. I have a dream to help leaders create the future. I believe we influence our world much more than... Read More
Photo by buddawiggi This is a guest post by Jenise Fryatt, Social Media Strategist for Smarter Shift and part of IBTTA's social media team. IBTTA regularly hosts conferences where members bond, learn from each other, and go on to benefit... Read More
To put a major dent in one of the most serious financial challenges facing the United States, Members of Congress need not pass new taxes, introduce new programs, or adopt across-the-board mandates that could put them on a collision course with... Read More
If there is a prophet of infrastructure investment, his name is Thomas L. Friedman. A recent Friedman column that mainly focused on America’s geopolitical red lines also contained this prod for us to focus on infrastructure: Future historians will... Read More
