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Infrastructure Funding Tool Works Globally

William Cramer
| 2 min read

Written by Emanuela Stocchi, International Affairs, AISCAT (Associazione Italiana Società Concessionarie Autostrade e Trafori)

Since the beginning of the year, ASECAP (the European Association of Toll Operators) and IBTTA have been working together on a common document to promote the benefits of tolling.

The two organizations have been coordinating efforts since signing a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation in 2004.

The joint declaration on tolling is seen as a tool to strengthen this cooperation and to point out a simple truth that applies equally in the United States and Europe: Tolling is a leading tool in the funding toolbox to finance, build, maintain, and improve safe, smart, reliable highway infrastructure for the benefit of road users and other citizens.

In its preamble, the declaration states that a wider application of tolling policies will be beneficial for both governments and road users, and that users will immediately see the benefits they receive for the fees they pay on the road infrastructure they use. The balance of the declaration lists the key advantages of a funding mechanism that delivers high quality roads without placing new demands on scarce government funds.

Tolling provides a reliable alternative to the lack of public funds for roads, opening the door to new financing frameworks like public-private partnerships (P3s) that support the construction, expansion, and improvement of highway infrastructure.

  • Tolling provides a sustainable source of funding at a time when fuel tax revenues are in decline, and embraces the user-pay principle much more effectively.
  • Tolling gives governments flexibility in the use of public funds by freeing up scarce taxes for other uses.
  • Tolling is fair and transparent for road users, since motorists only pay when they choose to use a specific piece of infrastructure.
  • Tolling helps manage demand in congested areas, using dynamic pricing to promote free-flow conditions, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve local air quality.
  • Tolling helps foster economic growth around the world by improving mobility, reducing congestion, creating new jobs, and bringing business opportunities to nearby communities.

The presidents of the two associations signed the joint tolling declaration on May 27, 2013, during the ASECAP Annual Meeting in Dubrovnik, Croatia. ASECAP and IBTTA will promote the contents of the declaration on their respective continents.  

About William Cramer 548 Articles
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