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Tolling Points - By all

The Interstate highway system is wearing out. Over the next two decades, nearly all of its 47,000 miles will have to be rebuilt, to make it serviceable for another 50+ years. In addition, several hundred major interchanges are horrible bottlenecks... Read More
As long as there have been public roadways, it's been necessary to educate citizens about the need for funding road construction and upkeep. After all, no matter what the mechanism for obtaining infrastructure funding, ultimately it comes from the... Read More
If you haven’t renewed your IBTTA membership, you’re a very short time away from missing one of the most important deadlines of the year. As long as you renew by March 31, your organization will retain all the benefits of being a part of the only... Read More
IBTTA kicks off its monthly Twitter Chat series with special guest Lloyd Brown, Communications Director with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Join us for an hour of fast-paced discussion, debate, and... Read More
When IBTTA’s Summit on Legislation, Policy and Infrastructure Finance opened in Washington, DC Monday morning, panelists and participants had a stark reality to confront.  Federal transportation funding under MAP-21 expires in 205 days.  Tolling... Read More
With just under a week to go before IBTTA’s Summit on Legislation, Policy, and Infrastructure Finance, the voices are coming in from every corner of the United States: our prosperity depends on highway infrastructure, infrastructure depends on... Read More
With recent comments that identified the trucking industry as one of the chief beneficiaries of a well-financed highway system, U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) opened one of the most powerful arguments for giving states greater flexibility to fund... Read More
With IBTTA’s Summit on Legislation, Policy, and Infrastructure Finance less than a month away, and the highway reauthorization debate well under way, it’s a good time to think about the questions you will want to ask your elected officials the next... Read More
A new front is opening up in the transportation reauthorization debate, with road users weighing in on the hardship they’ll face if the Highway Trust Fund runs out of money. Look no farther than Associated Equipment Distributors (AED), an... Read More
When San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge completed its transition to All-Electronic Tolling (AET) in March 2013, one of the most important challenges was to minimize any negative effects for the people who’d been the human face of the manual tolling... Read More
