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Tolling Points - By all

Written by Wanda Klayman, Deputy Executive Director, IBTTA When tragedy strikes a community like Moore, Oklahoma, highways are a lifeline for evacuees and an access and supply line for first responders. Toll authorities across North America are... Read More
Written by Emanuela Stocchi, International Affairs, AISCAT (Associazione Italiana Società Concessionarie Autostrade e Trafori) Since the beginning of the year, ASECAP (the European Association of Toll Operators) and IBTTA have been working together... Read More
Coauthored by Mitchell Beer When the President proclaims a milestone like National Transportation Week, the dual purpose is to recognize significant achievements and set a course for an even brighter future. So here are three questions for the... Read More
President Obama has nominated Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx to be the next Secretary of Transportation with responsibility for overseeing all transportation modes (surface transportation, rail, air, maritime, etc.). The Mayor has a strong history... Read More
With so many tolling authorities taking a fresh look at their emergency preparedness and management plans, Bryan Norcross’ keynote appearance at IBTTA’s 81st Annual Meeting and Exhibition next month in Vancouver, Canada, will be especially timely.... Read More
Written by Pierce Coffee, TransurbanThe 495 Express Lanes are transforming travel in northern Virginia, where traffic on the Capital Beltway around Washington, DC is almost always at the top of the United States’ “most congested” list.The new high-... Read More
A new level of bipartisan consensus on transportation financing began to emerge earlier this month, during the annual summer meeting of the National Governors Association (NGA) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.State governments are important players in the U... Read More
If there is one thing the United States learned from Super Storm Sandy—or from the dozens of natural disasters that came before it, from the Gulf of Mexico to New England—it’s that we can never be too prepared. Unfortunately, we can be assured that... Read More
The transportation infrastructure community may some day look back on this week as the moment when the tolling industry began its great push forward. This morning, during its quarterly board meeting in Miami, Florida, IBTTA is officially launching... Read More
Please view a two minute video that I recorded for AASHTO TV.  Posted on Friday, August 2, the video highlights IBTTA’s mission, the benefits of tolling,  the Moving America Forward Campaign and transportation funding relating to the 2014... Read More
