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ITS International Looks to Texas as a Toll Innovation Incubator

William Cramer
| 2 min read

With hundreds of toll industry leaders about to converge on Austin for IBTTA’s 82nd Annual Meeting and Exhibition next week, the latest edition of ITS International profiles the State of Texas as a living laboratory for tolling innovation.

“From the sprawling geography of the state itself with its wide open skies, to its entrepreneurial ‘get it done’ attitude, Texas exudes an impatient restlessness that pushes its businesses and public agencies to deliver faster, better results,” the article states.

“More often than not, that attitude pays off. But now, with burgeoning population and economic growth, Texas has acquired some outsized challenges, including big congestion and big highway budgets, while holding onto those big expectations from businesses and commuters in search of safe, reliable mobility for people and products.”

With more than 1,000 people moving to the state each day, Texas is known across the U.S. for its strong economic growth, steady job market, and relatively low cost of living. “But anyone who works in transportation can read the subtext behind the Texas story: It takes safe, efficient highways to connect the dots between opportunity and success, to ease the daily commute from home, to work, to schools and day care, to the vibrant night life that keeps a town like Austin on the map.”

Read more from ITS International on the Texas tolling incubator. And click here for more on IBTTA’s 82nd Annual Conference and Exhibition, September 14-17, 2014 in Austin.

About William Cramer 548 Articles
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