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Next #TranspoChat: The Pathway to Road Usage Charging
Talk of road usage charging is popping up everywhere these days as community leaders throughout the country consider transportation infrastructure funding alternatives to the gas tax.
But just how does this funding mechanism work? What are the potential benefits and drawbacks; and how close are we to being able to implement such fees?
Join us on Twitter for #TranspoChat Tuesday, June 24 at 3 pm ET when Steve Morello, Senior Partner and Senior Vice President of D’Artagnan Consulting LLP, will be our guest to discuss "The Pathway to Road Usage Charging."
At D’Artagnan, Steve leads organizational design, interoperability, communications and certification support for road usage charging (RUC) and intelligent transportation systems (ITS).
Steve has worked in the transportation sector for more than 20 years. For the last decade, he has been involved in project development covering traditional tolling, urban congestion charging, electronic road pricing, heavy vehicle tolling, road user charging and automated enforcement.
The chat will touch on these questions:
Q1 – What is Road Usage Charging (RUC)? How is it defined?
Q2 – How does RUC differ from tolling, gas taxes and other transportation charges?
Q3 – What are some examples of successful RUC programs around the world today?
Q4 – Why is there so much interest in RUC today?
Q5 – What are some challenges confronting jurisdictions that want to implement a RUC program?
Q6 – What factors have contributed to the success of the Oregon RUC program?
Q7 – What do you see as the future for RUC programs?
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photo credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/pagedooley/7330663394/">kevin dooley</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/">cc</a>
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