The program required the development of cooperative partnerships with various departments associated with HCTRA, and outlines an immediate plan of action required from any and/or all participating agencies. In addition to HCTRA's Incident Management Team, such agencies include Constable deputies from five precincts that have jurisdiction on the toll road system; various fire departments; HAZMAT; assisting maintenance and environmental clean-up contractors, etc. along with key HCTRA departmental personnel. The program is in place to ensure a preplanned and coordinated response to incidents on-or-affecting the Toll Road system, as well as outlining effective media/public awareness communications procedures. HCTRA's Incident Management plan also called for the development of a motorist assistance program to assist patrons (free of charge) with minor automotive emergencies and remove stalled or incapacitated vehicles from the road as quickly as possible. The agency's Patron Emergency Assistance Team (PEAT) began as a pilot program and has been enthusiastically welcomed by HCTRA patrons. PEAT plays an integral part in achieving the program's objectives and its planned expansion will provide total coverage of the entire toll road system and extended service hours.
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