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CCR Group
Award Category
Administration & Finance
Award Year

The CCR Group is one of the largest companies in the area of infrastructure concessions in Latin America. It administers 2,437 kilometers of the Nation’s highways under concession in the States of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Paraná, and managed by the CCR Ponte, CCR NovaDutra, CCR ViaLagos, CCR RodoNorte, CCR AutoBAn, CCR ViaOeste, CCR RodoAnel, CCR SPVias, and Renovias concessionaires and employs approximately 7,000 people. Because of its relevance in the industry and its growth strategy (CCR acquires, on average one new business per year). The CCR Group perceived the need to enable all of its leadership levels and sought out Brazil’s most respected institutions, in 2010, to develop its Leadership Development Program (LDP). The result of that process was to choose the Dom Cabral Foundation (DCF), which created, together with the company’s People Management staff, a customized program that was prepared especially for the CCR Group. DCF was created in 1976 as a center for developing executives, business people, and companies, and it is one of the most renowned and respected organizations in Brazil in this segment. The Leadership Development Program (LDP) began in September 2010 and completed its first cycle in February 2011. During that time, approximately 200 executives from a broad range of leadership phases participated in the first three training modules, which dealt with the subjects of Corporate Governance, People Management, and Financial Management. Also included in this phase are bi-monthly workshops with the CCR Group’s top management. The other LPD cycles are already under way, and the conclusion of the entire process is expected for early 2012.

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