The number is alarming. According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, more than 37,000 people die every year in traffic accidents on Brazil’s streets, avenues and roads. That is like having 185 commercial airplanes crashing every year in Brazil. CCR is concerned about these figures, and decided to do more than merely maintain its highways in excellent condition and offer services to its users. From the same expertise with which it administrates 1,571 kilometers of highways, CCR understands that the best way to lower accident rates is to invest in traffic education and in the preparation of future drivers. So, in 2002, the CCR Group, through its CCR AutoBAn concessionaire that administrates the Anhanguera-Bandeirantes System began its Road to Citizenship program. The objective was to take information on traffic safety and citizenship to the public schools in the cities through which its highways run. Because the project was so well received in those cities, the company decided to take it to other CCR concessionaires: CCR NovaDutra (Via Dutra) and CCR ViaOeste (Castello Branco and Raposo Tavares). Last year, CCR worked on a broad front with city governments and Departments of Education to extend Road to Citizenship to all of its concessionaires. Therefore, as of 2010, the cities involved with the concessionaires CCR Ponte (Rio Niterói Bridge) and CCR ViaLagos (Lagos Highway), in Rio de Janeiro; CCR RodoNorte (BR-277 and BR-376), in Paraná; and CCR RodoAnel (western section of the Mário Covas Ring Road), in São Paulo, are also working with the program. Road to Citizenship became one of the main corporate responsibility programs of the CCR Group. Since its creation, it has benefited approximately 750,000 children in 72 municipalities.
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