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ASF - Autoroutes du Sud de la France
Award Category
Toll Operations, Maintenance & Engineering
Award Year

ASF experienced, during 2004 and 2005 peak periods, an innovative traffic management technique on one of Europe’s busiest corridor : the “speed control system”. Based on the use of a specially written algorithm and a range of ITS technologies, this experiment aimed at applying, on a 90-km long motorway stretch, dynamic “speed limits” depending on traffic volumes. The objectives of this experiment were a gain in capacity, safety and driving comfort. The evaluation results of the system, provided early 2005, proved to be fully satisfactory. It highlighted exceptional results : (1)An increase by 10% of total traffic flowed during peak periods ; (2)A drop of congestion volumes by 16%, which was valued at 1,8 Million US$ of socio-economic gain; (3)An average time gain of 10% for all vehicles concerned by the experiment, (4)A decrease by 48% of the number of accidents, (5) An excellent respect of “speed instructions” given to the drivers and a very good appreciation of the system by road users.