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Tolling Points

How Millennials are Transforming Transportation Demand

Bill Cramer

Research shows that the millennial generation is driving significantly less often than their predecessors. If the trend continues, transportation agencies will need to plan and prepare.

IBTTA decided to take a closer look at this trend, what drives it and how transportation professionals might best prepare for possible changes in transportation demand, by inviting Senior Vice President Parker Williams of Xerox to share his insights on the topic with our Twitter community on #TranspoChat this month.

Parker, who has studied this trend for some time, shared insights on the topic and provided useful information from which forward thinking transportation agencies are likely to benefit.

You can check out the summary of this chat here.

Interested in learning how to meet future demands with tools that can help streamline transportation systems? Join us at IBTTA's upcoming Summit on All Electronic Tolling, Managed Lanes and Interoperability July 20-22 in San Diego, CA.


photo credit: mallix via photopin cc


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