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May 20 #TranspoChat Features Joshua Schank on Autonomous Vehicles

William Cramer
| 1 minute

The rise of autonomous vehicles will be the topic May 20 at 3:00 PM EDT when Joshua Schank, President and CEO of the Eno Center for Transportation, is the featured guest for the latest edition of IBTTA’s monthly #TranspoChat.

Autonomous transportation enthusiasts, lately including the U.S. Department of Transportation, see a promising future for self-driving vehicles. Schank took a close look at the topic in a recent blog post on the Eno Center website, then agreed to join us for the chat. We’ll ask him:

  • How self-driving vehicles will transform transportation as we know it today;
  • What circumstances will drive the development of the technology; and
  • Whether the potential benefits of autonomous vehicles are worth the cost of research and development.

Each month, #TranspoChat brings you a fast-paced, provocative snapshot of a hot topic in highway transportation. To take part, all you have to do is go to and type in the #TranspoChat hashtag. Join us!

About William Cramer 548 Articles
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