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Why Research Says You (Yes You) Should Be at the IBTTA Tech Summit

Jacob Barron
| 2 min read

Plenty of research shows that conferences and events (like the upcoming IBTTA 2022 Technology Summit, March 19-22 in Orlando, FL) generate different types of value for professionals and their employers. Here are three convincing studies.

A 2017 paper published in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science used an event in that field as a test case for why to attend conferences in general. Attendees of the International Marine Conservation Congress reported gaining new techniques (56%), skills (64%) and novel ideas (70%) as a result of their participation in the event. While the event was specifically meant to be attended by academics, the resulting research can easily be applied to professionals in other disciplines as well. 

"Nearly all (91%) gained new contacts that improved their research, in-the-fields of conservation, science communication, and/or conservation policy making," the paper said. "Two thirds (64%) gained ideas, contacts, and/or lessons [that] could lead to publications. Over a third (39%) gained new ideas, contacts and/or lessons that led to grant proposals, and 36% gained contacts that led to funding."

More broadly, a first-of-its-kind longitudinal study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology in 2009 showed that "networking behaviors, such as going out for drinks to discuss business matters informally, attending conferences, or staying in contact with former colleagues" lead to benefits such as higher salaries and greater career satisfaction for those who partake.

"Going beyond prior studies, our results suggest that networking behaviors can contribute to differential salary growth over time," the paper said. "In line with conclusions in the practitioner literature, networking can be considered an investment that pays off in the future."

Some of the same ideas were highlighted in the journal Industrial Marketing Management, in a 2015 paper that focused specifically on events rather than just networking as a whole. "In networking events, value is created not only for the organization via the individual, but also personally for the individual," the authors said, reiterating later how "it is through personal networking that companies access this complementary information, [and these] markets and technologies, which they require to innovate [and which] directly helps the diffusion of innovations."

Attending conferences empowers you to make new connections, learn new skills, invest in your own career growth and build the industry’s knowledge base, among other benefits. Put all this data and research to good use by making your plans to be in Orlando March 19-22 for the IBTTA 2022 Tech Summit. Check out the agenda here and register today.

About Jacob Barron 21 Articles
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