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Why Seven Leading Transportation Organizations Have Joined Forces to Bring You the RUC & Finance Conference

Pat Jones, Executive Director and CEO, IBTTA

Dozens of scholarly studies and reports over the last 15 years have emphasized the need for America to move away from the gas tax toward a mileage-based user fee that is not connected to fuel use. Why? Because the federal gas tax rate has not been increased in almost 30 years, fuel tax revenues are declining, the purchasing power of those fuel tax revenues is also declining, and electric vehicle production is ramping up. In the simplest terms, the fuel tax is not a sustainable source of funding for our highways.

While we all celebrate the fact that the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is pumping historic levels of funding into all types of infrastructure including transportation, many believe this critical 5-year infusion of new general fund revenues is a one-off. In the long run we must return to our roots and create a sustainable funding system based on the user pays principle. Road usage charging (VMT or MBUF) is the method that most experts are pointing to.

This is why IBTTA and six other partner organizations have come together to build the program for the upcoming Road Usage Charging and Finance Conference. The partner organizations are the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), ITS America, the Mileage-Based User Fee Alliance (MBUFA), the Eastern Transportation Coalition and the Transportation Research Board

We're all gathering in Denver to explore the important issues that will expedite the transition from the gas tax to road usage charging. Take it from all of us: if you're interested in helping to solve the biggest funding challenge confronting our surface transportation system, join us  May 15-17.

Learn why our partners are so excited about the RUC & Finance Conference:

“Numerous studies and reports over the years have pointed to the need for America to shift away from the gas tax toward Road Usage Charging. As fuel tax revenues decline and production of electric vehicles continues to expand, the need for this transition is greater than ever. TRB is proud to partner with IBTTA in organizing the Road Usage Charging and Finance Conference in Denver to explore the important issues that will make this transition possible.”

-Neil Pedersen, Executive Director, Transportation Research Board 

“IBTTA’s RUC and Finance Conference is a ‘must be’ for anyone interested in Road Usage Charging policy. As we reimagine transportation and the future of mobility, it’s critical to align our policy and funding goals, and the conference presents a great opportunity to have some of those discussions.”

-Laura Chace, president & CEO of ITS America. 

"The RUC and Finance Conference being held in Denver by IBTTA will be a key conference to highlight what the United States will be doing as we look toward the future on the issue of road charging. The conference brings together key stakeholders around the world to share their experience and learn from one another. A key meeting place for the issue in Denver in May."

-Barb Rohde, executive director, Mileage-Based User Fee Alliance (MBUFA)

“The IBTTA Road Use Charging and Finance Conference provides an important venue for exploring the necessary considerations and feasibility of a per-mile fee as a future sustainable revenue source for transportation. State departments of transportation, who have led the way on road-use charging pilots, look forward to engaging with other stakeholders on issues related to policy development, data collection, interoperability, and administrative structure and cost.”

-Susan Howard, Director of policy and government relations, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

"There is a national conversation underway about how to fund the transportation network in the future. Conversations regarding a mile-based user fee allow us to ensure that the unique characteristics of the East Coast are reflected in the potential solutions. The Coalition is excited to be an IBTTA partner - the IBTTA voice helps us to share our MBUF work and how it's a viable, scalable model for funding our nation's highway infrastructure.”

-Patricia Hendren, Ph.D., the Eastern Transportation Coalition

Register for the Road Usage Charging and Finance Conference—May 15-17 in Denver, CO—here.

Newsletter publish date: 
Thursday, April 14, 2022 - 10:45


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