Description of Plaza Lane Types
Lane types within a toll plaza environment with some conventional toll plaza lanes.
Lane Type | Description |
ACM Lane or Unattended Lane (1) | A toll lane with an Automatic Coin Machine (ACM) in place of a toll attendant. Generally signed for vehicles to come to a stop but in practice often allow slow roll-through. May include ETC and license plate cameras. |
Conventional Lane = Manual Lane = Attended Lane = Full-Service Lane (1) | A toll lane wherein a Toll Service Attendant is present to accept cash, card, token or ticket as toll payment from a customer. |
Mixed Use Lane (1) | A toll plaza lane accepting multiple options for toll payment. Typically modified to include ETC. Generally signed for vehicles to come to a stop but in practice allow slow roll-through for electronic transactions. |
Dedicated ETC Lane = ETC Lane (1) | A toll plaza lane used to only accept ETC for toll payment and typically allowing roll-through speeds or speeds less than the roadway speed limit. More often with license-plate cameras for toll enforcement, but some toll operators use gates for toll enforcement instead of cameras. |
Convertible Lane (1) | A toll plaza lane which can operate in more than one mode, for example in a conventional mode with a toll attendant, in an automatic mode with a machine to accept payment, or in a dedicated ETC Lane mode. |
Non-Stop Lane (2) | A lane designed for ETC customers in a conventional toll plaza, with conventional toll lane widening or changes to safely allow for higher-speed ETC-Only travel. Typically with license plate tolls for enforcement. |
ORT Lanes (3) | Open-Road Tolling, also called All-Electronic Toll lanes, equivalent to Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) roadways, which allow drivers to pass by without making lane changes or slowing down. Vehicles in these lanes are driving through a highway section with no restrictions or horizontal or vertical clearances or travel speed. |
Notes | Note 1: Constructed with limited width, designed to bring vehicle to a stop, with toll plaza islands between the lanes. Note 2: Construction modified to provide improved passage for non-stop movement, typically with some toll lane widening. Note 3: Constructed to be physically separate from all other toll plaza lane types. |