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Corporate Head Office Considers Relocating Due to Unsolved Congestion Insight Yes
Study Recommends Road Usage Charging to Electric Vehicles Insight Yes
MaaS, Connected Vehicles Lead IBTTA Technology Summit Program Insight Yes
DC Beltway CEOs Urge Boston to Consider Congestion Pricing Insight Yes
I-95 Express Lanes in Virginia Host Successful Cooperative Automation Trials Insight Yes
C-V2X Technology Delivers Safety, Convenience Insight Yes
IBTTA Summit Pivots in Step with Emerging Technologies Insight Yes
All-Electronic Tolling Could Raise $1 Billion Per Year for Connecticut Insight Yes
TollMiner Update Optimizes Industry Knowledge Insight Yes
Cuomo Veto Averts Chaos in NY State Toll Collection Insight Yes
DeFazio Takes the Gavel at House Transportation and Infrastructure Insight Yes
Bestpass Exceeds 500,000 Transponders, $100 Million in Customer Savings Insight Yes
Equipment Makers Urge U.S. Congress to 'Start with Infrastructure' Insight Yes
DeFazio Looks Ahead to Infrastructure Bill, National VMT Pilot Insight Yes
U.S. Research Body Endorses Interstate Tolling, Per-Mile Charges and Raising the Gas Tax Insight Yes
Autonomous Vehicles Depend on Redesigned Cities Insight Yes
Americans Want Better Roads. And They’re Ready to Pay for Them. Insight Yes
Federal Highway Administration Answers the 64-Million-Hour Question Insight Yes
Long-Ago Gas Tax Increase Inspires Memories of Groundhog Day Movie Insight Yes
Amazon HQ2 Winner Puts Transportation First Insight Yes