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TollMiner Update Optimizes Industry Knowledge

William Cramer
| 3 min read

IBTTA continues to update TollMiner™, the data management and visualization tool the association introduced last year to help members assemble, understand, and communicate key strategic information about tolling and surface transportation.

“We’ve been thrilled with our members’ response to TollMiner,” says IBTTA Executive Director and CEO Patrick Jones. “That much more so because these are still the early days. Every time we add new features and functions to this tool, our members gain.”

“IBTTA's goal is to consolidate, cleanse, and make useful data available, in one place, that might otherwise require users to search multiple disparate data sources,” adds Database Manager Cindy Norcross. “It’s ultimately a tool to maximize the tolling industry’s effectiveness, competitiveness, and growth, at a time when a host of other technologies are driving toll roads into a new era of efficiency and productivity.”

The Format Matters

TollMiner is proof positive that if a picture is worth a thousand words, a data-driven graphic is worth 10,000 in a world where time is limited, the devil is in the details, and successful businesses need to quickly spot the salient trends and opportunities in an avalanche of incoming information.

That’s why IBTTA keeps updating the platform with new content and formats designed to meet members’ evolving data needs. The latest release includes year-over-year traffic and revenue data for all toll operators in the United States, a new way to filter data by facility or operator, and new guidance on the site to help users make best use of the data.

“We’re expanding on the visualizations in TollMiner to continue telling a story about the landscape of tolling in the world,” Norcross explains. “Now you can drop pins to keep track of where specific facilities are or see where tolled facilities in the U.S. are clustered,” a feature that gives IBTTA member agencies and vendors a powerful competitive advantage.

From Raw Data to Strategic Resource

Collecting raw data, or even synthesized knowledge at the level of an individual tolling agency, is not a problem for a data-driven, increasingly all-electronic industry. Compiling that material in useful form has been a long-standing industry challenge that the new TollMiner platform sets out to solve.

“More and more vendors are using TollMiner for business intelligence,” Norcross notes. “Because one of the first things you ask when you’re looking at new business is where to focus your advertising dollars, who are the players. This tool helps them focus their business development,” by bringing together up-to-date insights on:

  • Facility Type (Road, Bridge, Tunnel)
  • Toll Collection Method (Cash, Credit Card, Electronic Tolling Collection, All Electronic Tolling, etc.)
  • Managed Lane Type (Express Toll Lanes, High Occupancy Toll Lanes, etc.)
  • Traffic and Revenue (year-over-year by operator)
  • Geographic Location (by country, state, etc.)
  • And many other options!

And then, it translates that knowledge into a usable, compelling format, with more features and functions taking shape for release in the months to come.

Click here to learn more about IBTTA’s TollMiner™ data visualization tool.

About William Cramer 548 Articles
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