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National Transportation Week…this week and in 2020 Insight Yes
What impact will the new DOT Secretary have in these fiscally constrained times? Insight Yes
Remove Barriers to Tolling, IBTTA Tells U.S. House Committee Insight Yes
As U.S. Cities Grow Farther Apart, Tolling Brings Us Together Insight Yes
Heiligenstein Ushers In the Year of Customer Service Insight Yes
Larry Ehl Suspends Publication: Thanks for a Job Well Done Insight Yes
A Well-Funded Toll Road Puts Safety Concerns on Ice Insight Yes
Two House Bills Together Are Greater Than the Sum of the Parts Insight Yes
Putting the Highway Funding Crisis on Ice Insight Yes
‘Life Is Worth More Than $10 an Hour’: Dr. Gridlock Tells the Story Insight Yes
Tolling Heralds a Highway Financing Renaissance Insight Yes
“Thomas Friedman: Hey America, other countries asking, “What’s up with you guys?” Insight Yes
Norcross To Talk Weather and Resilience at IBTTA Annual Meeting Insight Yes
U. S. Governors Connect on Transportation Financing Insight Yes
An Explanation of IBTTA — Its Mission, the Moving America Forward Campaign and Transportation Authorization Insight Yes
A Very Special Anniversary for E-ZPASS and the Tolling Industry Insight Yes
Acts of Courage, Quick Thinking and Action Insight Yes
A Sweeping Vision of a Better Transportation Future Insight Yes
Better Than Chocolate: 495 Express Lanes Transform Travel in Northern Virginia Insight Yes
Tolling U.S. Interstates: Lessons Learned from Missouri's Interstate 70 Insight Yes