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Press Release

Malika Seddi of Association Professionnelle Autoroutes et Ouvrages à Péage Elected International Vice-President by Global Tolling Association

January 8, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, January 8, 2020

CONTACT: Bill Cramer, Communications Director

[email protected] – 202.210.2962 mobile



WASHINGTON, D.C. – The International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association’s (IBTTA), the worldwide association for the owners and operators of toll facilities and the businesses that serve tolling, is pleased to announce that Malika Seddi, Deputy to Executive Director, responsible for International Affairs, ASFA (Association Professionnelle Autoroutes et Ouvrages à Péage/French Association of toll motorway, tunnel and bridges operators) will serve as the association’s 2020 International Vice-President.  


Seddi was re-elected as International Vice-President by the IBTTA membership during the association’s 87th Annual Meeting held in Nova Scotia, Canada, this past September. IBTTA’s Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of tolling professionals from around the globe with more than 800 transportation leaders attending from 23 countries to discuss innovative technologies, policies, funding options and business practices to provide greater mobility for drivers.  


“IBTTA is pleased that Malika Seddi, Deputy to Executive Director, responsible for International Affairs, ASFA, will serve as our International Vice President this year. Malika will bring her leadership and vision to our association and industry,” said Patrick D. Jones, Executive Director and CEO of IBTTA. “Around the world, tolling is providing greater mobility options for millions of customers. Malika’s extensive work in transportation across the globe comes at a critical time when communities and nations worldwide are looking at new ways to fund and finance vital transportation infrastructure.” 


“I am thrilled and honored that my fellow IBTTA members have entrusted me again with this leadership position,” said Malika Seddi. “My involvement as a member of the Board of Directors for IBTTA has allowed me to engage with members around the world. I look forward to using my experience to address the many challenges and opportunities facing the transportation industry as well as learning from others and applying solutions and best practices that we can use in Europe.”


Seddi has worked in the tolling industry for 30 plus years. She is also Secrétaire Général Délégué of ASECAP (Association Européenne des Concessionnaires d’autoroutes et d’ouvrages à péage/European Association of toll road operators). 


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The International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA) is the worldwide association for the owners and operators of toll facilities and the businesses that serve tolling. Founded in 1932, IBTTA has members in more than 20 countries on six continents. Through advocacy, thought leadership and education, members are implementing state-of-the-art, innovative user-based transportation financing solutions to address the critical infrastructure challenges of the 21st Century. For more information, visit or join us on Twitter @IBTTA or #TollRoads.


About ASFA
ASFA is a professional association comprising all actors involved in motorway exploitation and concession. ASFA’s mission is to defend the interest of the French toll road industry, communicate on issues relevant to the profession as a whole, negotiate on employment and social issues, develop non-commercial international relations, and carry out research and conduct surveys.


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