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A data exchange protocol, structured in a set of technical annexes, containing also a database of road traffic related events, standardized by the CEN.


Direction Départementale de l’Equipement. A de-centralized department of the French Ministry of Transport made responsible to implement and to follow the national policy.

Dedicated ETC Lane

A toll plaza lane used to only accept ETC for toll payment and typically allowing roll-through speeds or speeds less than the roadway speed limit. More often with license-plate cameras for toll enforcement, but some toll operators use gates for toll enforcement instead of cameras.

Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC)

A short to medium range communications service that supports both Public Safety and Private operations engaged in roadside-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-vehicle communication environments. DSRC is meant to be a complement to cellular communications by providing very high data transfer rates in circumstances where minimizing latency in the communication link and isolating relatively small communication zones are important. Typically this refers to 5.9GHz communication.


European Commission - Directorate General for Information Society


European Commission - Directorate General for Energy and Transport


Digital IMaging Enforcement System


Danish Meteorological Institute


Dynamic Message Sign. See Variable Message Sign

DMV Hold

Department of Motor Vehicles Hold. A process whereby a vehicles registration can’t be renewed until any toll violations are settled with the toll agency.


Department of Transportation - Agency (either state or federal) that oversees local or national transportation systems.


Dots Per Inch (in photography)


DedicatedShortType Range Communication. A short to medium range communications service that supports both Public Safety and Private operations engaged in roadside-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-vehicle communication environments. DSRC is meant to be a complement to cellular communications by providing very high data transfer rates in circumstances where minimizing latency in the communication link and isolating relatively small communication zones are important. Typically this refers to 5.9GHz communication.