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Highway Capacity Manual. An engineering reference manual for road design.


High Capacity Road


Heavy Goods Vehicles. Typically refers to trucks over 3.5 tons


Human-Machine Interface. A front-end user interface.


High-Occupancy Toll Lanes (HOT lanes) are Priced Managed Lanes open to High-Occupancy Vehicles (HOVs) at a discounted toll rate or free of charge. Vehicles with one occupant may also use the HOT lanes but with payment of the posted toll rate, which is often variable.

HOV Lanes

High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes (HOV Lanes) are unpriced managed lanes with access limited to vehicles with two or more occupants. Tolls are not collected in HOV lanes.


Or “Clearinghouse Hub”, is a node on the Clearinghouse Network, interfaces to all other Hubs on the Clearinghouse Network.