Explore TollMiner™ FAQs for Quick Answers to Your Questions!
What is IBTTA TollMiner™?
TollMiner™ is provided as an IBTTA member benefit that allows members to view, analyze and mine industry data to empower their organizations. The platform is focused on toll operators and the facilities they operate, and will be continually evolving to add more data points and corresponding visualizations. Current data includes general facts about the tolling industry, priced managed lanes, traffic and revenue for toll operators, and a detailed view of toll facilities. Recognizing that the toll industry is vast and varied, TollMiner™ is being built using a crowd sourcing approach. IBTTA is engaging with the industry to validate and suggest additions to the data. We welcome and encourage input and feedback, which will influence subsequent releases of the product.
How was the TollMiner™ data created?
IBTTA's goal is to consolidate, cleanse and make useful data available, in one place, that might otherwise require users to search multiple disparate data sources. IBTTA has mined this data from multiple sources (including the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), toll facility owner/operator websites, state/regional websites and many other online resources). Now that a solid base of data has been mined and cleansed, IBTTA is concurrently working with toll operators to further validate and expand the data available. Crowd sourcing methods are also being used to collect more data and ensure accuracy over time.
Does TollMiner™ have the same level of data for all regions, facilities and organizations?
The TollMiner™ data source(s) are constantly evolving and expanding. Data driving the tool started with well established data sources (FHWA, IBTTA Members, etc.) and has expanded to include other sources (e.g. IBTTA non-Member facilities – within the United States and Worldwide, and independent data collection from multiple sources). As a result, the initial data set includes additional details about some facilities (e.g. technology and collection methods) within the United States. IBTTA will be continuously expanding the available data (by validating, refining, and mining more data). IBTTA is especially interested in learning what kind of data requirements various Member organizations might have, and will be using feedback from Members to drive the collection and presentation of additional data and types of data.
Why do some facilities seem to be broken into multiple components, and others are represented as a single facility?
In some cases, the components of a single facility have different attributes, including differing technologies, toll collection methods, or operational start dates. To describe such differences, our data sources represented those facilities with multiple components. We are very open to changing/modifying this and welcome your feedback.
What is "AET-S"?
While collecting data about All-Electronic Tolling Facilities (AET), IBTTA noted that some facilities are embracing AET by adding the technology to some, but not all of their interchanges. These facilities are normally large in scale, where converting the entire road over to AET at once would be prohibitive. IBTTA thought this trend was worth tracking, and has defined a new term called "AET-S" or "AET-Some," which refers to "AET at some interchanges."
TollMiner™ Looks like it is a very useful and powerful tool. How can I help?
IBTTA's strategic goal is for TollMiner™ (and related tools) to be a constantly evolving and expanding source of useful data. The data sets and visualizations included in TollMiner™ have been driven by feedback from IBTTA Members and other industry experts. IBTTA is very interested in learning what kind of data Members might need and learning how we can improve tools like this. So, send ideas for new data, tools and help us validate and expand the data available as we move forward with this data adventure!
Which browsers work best to view IBTTA TollMiner™?
TollMiner™ is optimized for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari 11.0 and above.
Who can I contact if I have a suggestion/question?
For questions or to schedule a one-on-one walkthrough, please reach out to our dedicated TollMiner™ team. We're here to help!
Cindy Norcross, Director, Research & Technology
Lisa Jewell, Research Specialist