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Tolling Points

IBTTA Member Input Needed: Reorganization of the Lower 900MHz Band for Commercial Development

Mark Muriello, Director, Policy & Government Affairs

Complete an IBTTA member survey on potential 900 MHz impacts.


On April 16, 2024, a rulemaking petition was filed with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) seeking to rearrange the lower 900 MHz band (902-928 MHz band).  The petition was filed by NextNav, a company that provides next generation positioning, navigation, timing (PNT) and 3D geolocation.  The company aims to reorganize the lower 900 MHz band to facilitate a terrestrial PNT network and broadband enhancements.  The press release and FCC filing are available here:

While NextNav seems to be avoiding direct conflict with the 915 MHz spectrum used today by toll operations throughout the U.S., IBTTA is seeing to learn about any implications or risks that members foresee to the toll industry’s current operations and systems as a result of this action .  In particular, we are interested in understanding whether the proposed commercial applications in the spectrum around 915 MHz present risks of interference for existing toll applications and whether system software or hardware upgrades might be needed to ensure the continuity of operations. 

In addition, IBTTA seeks member input on whether the commercial development by a single entity presents concerns about monopoly control of this portion of the band.  How do these actions affect the competitive development of applications and services that might be used in distance-based road charging, connected vehicle applications, and intelligent transportation system (ITS) enhancements, and other future transportation solutions?  What are the business, policy ,and public benefit constraints related to the availability of this portion spectrum competitively in terms of research, development, and innovations for future transportation applications?

As IBTTA weighs the industry’s interests and needs in responding to this action, we want to hear from you.  Feel free to contact IBTTA’s Director of Policy and Government Affairs, Mark Muriello ([email protected]), with any additional relevant information you would like to share by Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

Complete an IBTTA member survey on potential 900 MHz impacts.


Newsletter publish date: 
Monday, April 22, 2024 - 16:15


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