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A Picture Tells a Tolling Story

William Cramer
| 1 minute

This is how you tell the story of a successful tolling project.

Melbourne, Australia-based Transurban Group is out with a fantastic infographic—the file name calls it wall art—that tells the story of the 95 Express Lanes, the congestion relief project that opened in Virginia last week.

Click here to view the infographic. Take a close look at the way Transurban breaks out the powerful benefits that flow from the project—from jobs and economic activity, to community benefits, to active traffic management driven by dynamic tolling.

And let us know what you’re doing to explain the benefits of tolling in your community.

Have you seen or produced a great example of a graphic, video, or publication that tells the story? Share a comment on this post and tell us about it.

About William Cramer 548 Articles
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