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Public Survey Shows Continuing Support for Tolling

William Cramer
| 2 min read

Americans continue to see tolls as a sensible way to pay for highway infrastructure, according to America THINKS, an ongoing national survey series by HNTB Corporation.

In a presentation last month to a group of tolling industry communicators, HNTB’s John O’Connell reported that the company’s most recent toll-related survey showed:

  • When given a choice, 46% of respondents would support new tolls to pay for new roads. Only 25% would support a gas tax increase. 28% would     opt for no new roads.
  • Tolling was the most popular option when drivers were asked where they would willingly spend more money for long-term surface transportation improvements.
  • More than half of respondents expect tolling would deliver better quality roads and less congestion, and 43% associated tolls with higher speed limits.
  • 48% of employed drivers who commute said congestion costs them at least 11 minutes per day. 22% said it cost them 21 or more minutes per day.
  •  68% of Americans would pay an average of $5 to save 15 minutes on the roads, bridges, or tunnels they drive.
  • Among the 74% of drivers who said they would use priced managed lanes if they were available, the use of the lane depended on the circumstances. 57% said they would opt for a managed lane in an emergency, 40% to make it to the airport, 36% to get to a vacation destination, and 35% to get to work.

O’Connell said additional toll-related questions would be fielded this summer and the results will be announced this September during the IBTTA Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas.

Visit IBTTA for the latest research on tolling and mobility, including a series of recent HNTB reports.


photo credit: thisisbossi via photopin cc

About William Cramer 548 Articles
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