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Texas Department of Transportation, Texas Turnpike Authority Division
Award Category
Toll Operations, Maintenance & Engineering
Award Year

In 2007, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) identified a customer need to obtain a TxTag® transponder on the roadway as opposed to driving to the Customer Service Center, ordering one through the mail or visiting retail outlet. To meet this demand, the Texas Turnpike Authority (TTA) Division of TxDOT created the In-Lane Tag Sales program. This program made TxTag transponders available for purchase at all of their mainline toll plazas on the Central Texas Turnpike System (CTTS) in the attended cash collection lanes. Drivers traveling on Loop 1, State Highway (SH) 45 north, and SH 130 in the Austin, Texas area could now purchase funded TxTag transponders at a mainline plaza for $20 cash, install the tag and use it immediately.  The program was well received from drivers on the CTTS, and as of March 2010, more than 120,000 tags had been sold through the In-Lane Tag Sales program. The TTA Division continually strives to provide drivers with customer-centric programs and approaches, representing leadership in the toll industry.  The In-Lane Tag Sales program is an excellent addition to that culture, making toll facilities both more user-friendly and more affordable to customers on the go.