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Your Best Route to a Hassle-Free Independence Day Weekend

William Cramer
| 2 min read

Later this week, hundreds of millions of Americans will be hitting the road to celebrate the Independence Day weekend.

As we head out in different directions with our family and friends, we’ll be counting on the nation’s toll road system to get us where we need to go, safely and reliably, knowing that every extra minute on the road takes away from a holiday celebration that will be all too short.

Most of our pre-trip checklist will probably sound familiar. Make sure your tires are properly inflated and your gas tank is full. (If your car runs on a battery instead of an engine, map your route for the available charging stations.) Pack and check your emergency kit, including extra blankets in some parts of the country. Make sure the flashlights work, and pack extra batteries.

And remind yourself (and each other) never, ever to text while driving. For bonus points, if you’re in Texas, bring along your stylish Red Thumb strap if you have one.

And when you plan your route—if you really want to get there on time, look for the express lanes that can help keep you moving.

“Managed lanes or express lanes are one of the hottest new innovations in highway management,” IBTTA explains. “Although volume has leveled off in recent years, vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in the United States grew more than 70% in the last two decades, while highway capacity only increased 0.3%.” Managed lanes help highway operators address that challenge by regulating demand and separating traffic streams to make best use of all the available space on the road—and, ultimately, reduce congestion.

With the growth of 51 managed lanes and express lane facilities in 11 states across the United States, it’s more and more likely that you’ll find at least one of them along your route. If the opportunity presents itself, take it! The modest price you pay will be an investment in a more relaxed trip that gets you to your destination safely and sooner.

Our wish for you this holiday weekend: Be safe, drive happy, and enjoy the hassle-free mobility that toll roads provide. We’ll see you next week.

Photo courtesy of Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority – Newport Pell Bridge, Newport, RI.


About William Cramer 548 Articles
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