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How IBTTA’s Diversity, Social and Racial Inclusion Task Force Came to Be Insight Yes
The 2022 IBTTA Technology Summit: Bring Your Team Insight Yes
Why Research Says You (Yes You) Should Be at the IBTTA Tech Summit Insight Yes
Better Mobility through Freedom of Choice Insight Yes
Black Leaders in Transportation: Meet Lois Cooper Insight Yes
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill and the Tolling Industry: Our Webinar with USDOT Deputy Assistant Secretary Charles Small Insight Yes
Comments on Federal Guidance for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Deployment Insight Yes
On the Death of MARTA CEO and Friend to IBTTA, Jeffrey A. Parker Insight Yes
A Conversation with IBTTA 2022 President Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti About Resilience, Leadership and Opportunity Insight Yes
What Does the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Do for Public-Private Partnerships? Insight Yes
IBTTA Applauds USDOT Bridge Funding, Points to Tolling as a Way to Maximize its Impact Insight Yes
White House Infrastructure Coordinator Mitch Landrieu Seeks State Assistance in Implementing the Federal Infrastructure Law Insight Yes
Literally and Figuratively, Autonomous Vehicles Are Driving the Tolling Industry to Focus on IoT and Cybersecurity Insight Yes
Blockchain and the Future of Road-User Charging Insight Yes
Resetting the Future of Tolling One Kale Smoothie at a Time Insight Yes
Different Country, Same Challenge: Safety Unites Global Transportation Community as it Pursues Zero Traffic Fatalities Insight Yes
House Action on Infrastructure Still Awaiting Decisions on Social Programs and Tax Reforms Insight Yes
IBTTA Annual Meeting Offers a Primer on Toll Leakage from the Lost Revenue Task Force Insight Yes
IBTTA Annual Meeting Panelists Agree that Technology—Particularly Telematics—Will Be Key to the Future of Mobility Insight Yes
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too Insight Yes