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Tolling Points

Croft Discusses his ‘Transportation Rx’ for Highway Funding

Bill Cramer

IBTTA President Buddy Croft is wasting no time getting the message out about the value of tolling.

On January 23 in his home state of Rhode Island, Providence Business News (PBN) published a Q&A that laid out Croft’s “transportation Rx,” his prescription for addressing the country’s highway funding challenges.

Here’s the text in full with permission from PBN.

Earl J. "Buddy" Croft III on Jan. 1 took up his new role as the 2016 president of the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association, the Washington-based worldwide association for the owners and operators of toll facilities and the businesses that serve them. A Rhode Island native, Croft is executive director of the Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority in Jamestown.

You were quoted saying this is a pivotal time in transportation history—why is that the case?

In the 1950s, America created jobs and built a strong economy by constructing a nationwide interstate system. Today, states are responsible for their interstates; they are partially funded by the federal government using a gas tax. The federal gas tax has not been raised in 23 years, state budgets are tight, and much of our infrastructure is crumbling from age, overuse, and inadequate maintenance. We are in a crisis. IBTTA has been telling anyone who will listen that tolling can be part of the solution; it has a proven record of success and can advance projects quickly.

What is the greatest challenge to infrastructural repairs?

Getting leaders to lead and people to understand that we are all in this together. We can't continue to pass the buck and think someone else will pay for it.

In your experience, is there a key to ensuring safer and more reliable infrastructure?

I think the business community has always played a key role in educating elected officials about the importance and need for safe, reliable infrastructure. IBTTA has a public awareness campaign that has been successful in educating elected officials, the media, and the general public about the need for greater mobility and safety in transportation. We must stop and think what roads, bridges, and tunnels do for us on a daily basis. How would we cross the Sakonnet River, how would fresh fish be delivered from Galilee to Jamestown? How long is my drive to work?

What is your primary focus with the IBTTA?

My primary goal is to bring our members from around the world together to provide solutions that provide greater mobility and partnerships with local, state, and federal governments as it relates to transportation. Our industry has to provide solid information to educate elected officials and the general public that tolling is one proven solution to addressing our transportation crisis.


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