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Committees, Councils and Working Groups

The resources below reflect the latest updates and engaging content produced by our committees. 

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69 Results

69 Results
2023-0206 SRTF Meeting

Sustainability and Resilience Task Force | IBTTA

White Paper
2023 AI and Machine Learning Report

Emerging Technologies Committee | IBTTA

2022-1213 SRTF Meeting

Sustainability and Resilience Task Force | IBTTA

Surface Transportation Funding Alternatives Program Overview

Emerging Technologies Committee

2022-1003 SRTF Meeting

Sustainability and Resilience Task Force | IBTTA

White Paper
CASE Vehicle Impacts on Tolling Systems

Emerging Technologies Committee | IBTTA

Committees, Councils, and Working Groups 2k24

Committees, Councils, and Working Groups

Our esteemed member-driven committees shape and energize IBTTA’s direction and initiatives

Agency Technology Leaders Forum

This forum is for toll agency IT leaders to explore emerging technology's influence on the tolling and transportation sector. Participants discuss technology trends, best practices, organizational and staffing issues, and investment in technology.

For more information on this group, please contact Bob Taylor, Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission.

Agency Technology Leaders Forum
Audit Committee

The purpose of the Audit Committee is to assist the board of directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities for the association’s accounting and financial reporting processes and audits of the financial statements of IBTTA, by reviewing (1) the integrity of the association’s financial statements, (2) the independence and qualifications of its external auditor, (3) the association’s system of internal controls, (4) the performance of the association’s external audit process, and (5) compliance with laws, regulations and ethics.

Members of this committee are appointed by the IBTTA President.

Audit Committee
Awards Committee

The purpose of the Awards Committee is to oversee and conduct the Toll Excellence Awards Program. The committee evaluates each submission based on all criteria and selects winners in the all categories. Members of this committee are appointed by the IBTTA President.

Awards Committee
Board of Directors and Executive Committee

Board of Directors and Executive Committee
Council of Platinum Sponsors

The Council of Platinum Sponsors (CoPS);consists of representatives from each Platinum Sponsor. The council members support all of IBTTA Educational programming and meets at regular intervals to discuss a variety of IBTTA and industry-related topics, including a small number of “mega issues” that are selected in concert with the IBTTA Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. Through the creation of subcommittees, the council works collaboratively to establish positions, provide guidance, and develop materials that enable the IBTTA BOD to better understand pertinent issues and make informed decisions.

Council of Platinum Sponsors
Emerging Technologies Committee

The purpose of this committee is to investigate and analyze technology-related issues, topics and trends and inform the membership about new and emerging technologies. Committee work is carried out by Subcommittees of the Emerging Technologies Committee, broken out into five subcommittees representing each of the 2022 focus areas.

Subcommittees from previous years have authored White Papers that are available for download  by IBTTA members. Log-in is required.

The Customer Modernization Working Group of of this committee releases a new Podcast.

Emerging Technologies Committee
Engineering and Construction Task Force

The purpose of the Engineering and Construction Task Force was created with the goal of IBTTA members mutually exchanging ideas and knowledge on a wide variety of topics on the engineering and construction fronts. As we look to improve our facilities and operations, this committee seeks to pool our collective talents and resources, discuss our lessons learned, and share best practices for the benefit of all.

Engineering and Construction Task Force
Finance Investment Sub-Committee

The purpose of the Investment Subcommittee is to ensure that IBTTA investment activities conform to the IBTTA investment policy approved by the Board; review how IBTTA investment activities compare to market conditions; ensure that fees paid to manage IBTTA investments are reasonable and competitive; and recommend changes, as needed, to the existing investment policy. Members of this committee are appointed by the IBTTA President.

Finance Investment Sub-Committee
Finance Standing Committee of the Board

The purpose of the Finance Standing Committee of the Board is to review and evaluate the IBTTA annual operating budget, quarterly reports of the association’s financial position, changes in policies and procedures for financial activities, and other duties assigned by the President and Board of Directors. Members of this committee are appointed by the IBTTA President.

Finance Standing Committee of the Board
Government Affairs Committee

The purpose of the Government Affairs Committee is to be an advocate for tolling and provide guidance to the IBTTA board and staff on relevant issues that come before federal and state legislative and regulatory bodies. Members of this committee are appointed by the IBTTA President.

Government Affairs Committee
IBTTA Foundation - Leadership Academy Alumni

The mission of the Leadership Academy Alumni Association (LAAA) is to foster meaningful and lifelong connections through the ongoing advancement of leaders, exchange of ideas, and mobility solutions to link communities.

IBTTA Foundation - Leadership Academy Alumni
International Committee

The purpose of the International Committee is to enhance the value proposition for non-North America members and develop regional plans to identify and attract new members from outside North America.

International Committee
Membership Committee

The purpose of the Membership Committee is to improve membership recruitment and retention efforts, enhance the value of membership, and develop appropriate new sources of non-dues revenue. Members of this Committee also work as Ambassadors to welcome new members and first time attendees to IBTTA meetings and to encourage non-members to join IBTTA. Members of this committee are appointed by the IBTTA President.

Membership Committee
Nominating Committee

The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to review applications from those who wish to serve as officers or directors on the board and develop a slate of candidates to stand for election at the annual business meeting in the fall of each year. Members of this committee are appointed by the IBTTA President.

Nominating Committee
Outreach, Opportunity, & Engagement Committee

The Outreach, Opportunity, & Engagement Committee (formerly DEI Committee) was created to listen to the voices of those in our association and society who truly understand and recognize the depth of the inequity caused by racial and social injustice. With this knowledge, it will work to implement practices and programs that contribute to racial and social justice in our IBTTA family and beyond.

Outreach, Opportunity, & Engagement Committee
Past Presidents Advisory Council

The Past Presidents Advisory Council consists of all past presidents of IBTTA. The council meets in conjunction with IBTTA board meetings, nominates Honorary Member candidates to be approved by the IBTTA Board, and performs other duties as assigned by the IBTTA President.

Past Presidents Advisory Council
Road Usage Charging Committee

The purpose of the Road Usage Charging (RUC) Committee is to strengthen the awareness and understanding by tolling professionals and organizations across the IBTTA membership of distance-based road usage charging practices and emerging issues. The Committee’s focus is to share current information and identify opportunities to make transportation payments for road users – tolling and distance-based charging – interoperable, reciprocal, a reliable and sustainable revenue source, an effective and efficient way to do business, a trusted, secure and convenient customer experience, and a recognized value for all users. Initial focus areas of the Committee will concentrate on interoperability, account management, technology, and legislative/policy initiatives.

Road Usage Charging Committee
Roadway Safety Steering Committee

The Road Safety Steering Committee oversees IBTTA’s Road Safety Initiative which established a “Global Road Safety Week” from June 24-28, in line with UN’s Global Traffic Safety Week. The initiative will highlight the positive safety efforts undertaken by those in the tolling industry and safety communications campaigns of other transportation partner organizations around the globe.

Roadway Safety Steering Committee
Sustainability and Resilience Task Force

The purpose of the Sustainability and Resilience Task Force is to organize the ideas, resources, and efforts of IBTTA members and others in the transportation industry to strengthen the sustainability and resilience of the transportation network and reverse the effects of climate change.

Sustainability and Resilience Task Force
Toll Revenue Assurance Committee

Formerly the Lost Revenue Task Force, the Toll Revenue Assurance Committee was formed to discuss the impacts of lost revenue, solutions to improve the ability to correctly identify and bill customers, and options for billing process improvements to encourage customers to pay on time. The group leverages existing or already completed studies on this topic to support the initiatives.

Toll Revenue Assurance Committee
Women in Tolling Council

The mission of the IBTTA Women in Tolling is to connect women in tolling globally, support diversity in leadership, and promote professional development.

IBTTA members may join the WIT Networking Community to stay up to date and connect with your peers. You will receive information directly from the networking community leader. If you are interested in getting further involved, please email Wanda Sneed, Chair of the Council.

Women in Tolling Council
Young Professionals Council

The Young Professionals Council (YPC) is comprised of young professionals from the tolling and transportation industry, working together to promote the vision to “Drive the Future of IBTTA.” The council’s mission is to develop and maintain a community that will enable young professionals to bridge the gap between generations of IBTTA innovators and integrators.

Young Professionals Council