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IBTTA Announces Kathryn Clay as New Executive Director and CEO Insight Yes
IBTTA’s Andrew Fremier Appointed to Federal Advisory Board on Transportation Funding Insight Yes
Sean Duffy Confirmed as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation Insight Yes
From the Heart of Texas to the Helm of IBTTA: James Hofmann’s Vision for a Bold, New Future Insight Yes
Why the FCC Should Deny the Petition to Reorganize the Lower 900 MHz Band Insight Yes
Putting Technology into Focus for Road Safety Insight Yes
Migration to Open 6C Protocol. The Future is Today, not Tomorrow Insight Yes
Squashing Smishing in Tolling Has Proven to Be Difficult Insight Yes
Senate Environment & Public Works Committee Hearing on Francis Scott Key Bridge Response Addresses Federal Funding and Role of Tolling Insight Yes
IBTTA Recognized for Commitment to the Safe Systems Approach Toward Zero Roadway Fatalities Insight Yes
‘We have to work together’ How community engagement will shape the future of the Illinois Tollway Insight Yes
Key Questions for a National Pilot of Distance-Based Road Charging Insight Yes
IBTTA Member Input Needed: Reorganization of the Lower 900MHz Band for Commercial Development Insight Yes
National Focus on Distracted Driving Gets Underway Insight Yes
USEPA Adopts Strong Emission Performance Standards for Autos and Light/Medium-Duty Vehicles In New Rule Insight Yes
USDOT Announces Congestion Relief Program to Fight Congestion and Opens the Door for New Tolling Insight Yes
Transportation Agencies and Partners Address Bridge Suicide Prevention Insight Yes
Addressing the Challenge of License Plate Fraud in Today’s Electronic Tolling Insight Yes
Current and Future Trends of Mobility Pricing Insight Yes
Federal Transportation Appropriations: Big Gaps to Close and the Clock is Ticking Insight Yes